Category Archives: Application process

University Deadlines For Fall-2015



Hello friends, Here is the list of deadlines of fall-15. If I am missing any University then comment here Enjoy 😀 Please bear in mind that some universities may change deadlines on their websites without prior notice.The department deadlines may differ from the graduate school deadlines, hence you are advised to cross check not only the graduate school deadlines but also the department website of the university you are applying to.

The deadlines mentioned below are for the graduate school only.


Deadlines in December

Indiana University, Bloomington (1-Dec)
University of Miami, Coral Gables (1-Dec)
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (1-Dec)
Harvard University (14-Dec)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (15-Dec)
Tufts University (15-Dec)
Yale University (15-Dec)

Deadlines in January

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (1-Jan)
University of Maryland, Baltimore County (1-Jan)
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (1-Jan)
University of Virginia, Charlottesville (10-Jan)
Washington State University, Pullman (10-Jan)
Florida Institute of Technology (15-Jan)
State University of New York, Buffalo (15-Jan)
State University of New York, Stony Brook (15-Jan)
Texas A & M University, Kingsville (15-Jan)
Texas Tech University (15-Jan)
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (15-Jan)
Vanderbilt University (15-Jan)
Duke University (30-Jan)
Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago (31-Jan)


Continue reading University Deadlines For Fall-2015

Step by Step Application Process for MS in US

After taking Gre and Toefl/IELTS so many students face problem with applying in different universities. So, they hire some consultancy and pay 15-30k to them. Applying in Universities on you own is cumbersome process but, its not that hard. You can apply it on your own.

  • After taking GRE and TOEFL/IELTS first step is to get your transcripts from the universities, you can apply for transcripts before GRE and IELTS/TOEFL. In some university it takes 2 months to get the transcript. So it will be better to get the transcript asap. You will need 10-12 approximately.
  • After Evaluating your profile you should select 8-10 universities. From which you can select 4-5 Safe, 2-3 Moderate 2-3 Ambitious universities.
  • Some university prefer good acads, some prefer good GRE score. So also ask your seniors and refer previous year’s data. That will be helpful.
  • In almost all cases you’ll have to report your official GRE scores to the University. Universities won’t accept the photocopy of your GRE scorecard. You need to report the scores directly from ETS website.
  • TOEFL scores are also required in almost all the Universities. The information at the admission website will specify whether TOEFL is required or not. You need to log in to your iBT profile at the TOEFL website to order additional reports.
  • Now fill the online form of university and apply to it online. After applying it takes minimum of ten days for updating in database for that university you have applied.

Continue reading Step by Step Application Process for MS in US

Resume for University

Resumes are often taken for granted. While applicants are busy tinkering their SOPs to perfection, everyone thinks resume is a one night job. Well, may be not.

First, sit and reflect upon who your reader is and what your resume is trying to convey to her. As an applicant, you want your resume to be coherent with rest of your application. So, while your experiences, education and background are factual information, what to highlight is a matter of judgment. For e.g. if you are showing interest in research/applying for PhD etc, your highlight should be on your research projects and publications. Similarly, if you are applying for a MCS kind of program (geared towards landing corporate jobs upon graduation), your focus should be on professional skills, industry experience etc.

Typically an applicant’s resume will contain following sections:

  • Full Name and Contact Information – address, phone number and email.
  • Education – List in reverse chronological order your college and high school information (no certification or non-school education should be listed here). If you already have a graduate degree, skip high school. Must contain institute name, program of study, major and month/year of graduation. Optionally, can include academic honors, scholarships, club positions or any other achievement you want to highlight. Continue reading Resume for University

Letter of Recommendation

Letter of recommendation (LOR), as the name describes it is a letter either from your professor or principle of your last educational institutions or your last employer that ensures your ability and skill to make up to the course completion. This LOR seems very simple and easy to frame but be sure it holds great value in evaluating your profile both academic and nonacademic wise. It plays an important role for overseas applicant.

You will need 2-3 LOR’s from your Head of Department, Project manager, or from last employer.

LOR should be from your lecturer who knows you better and with whom you have a good rapport. This helps you to get good words of praise from the recommend er. If you are working,it should be from your immediate Boss who knows your capabilities and initiatives properly rather than the HR or higher management authority.

Here is some Tips while writing LOR

  • This letter should highlight your strengths rather than misleading the reader about your fake qualities.
  • The letter should throw light on your keen interest to pursue your career in the particular subject under the applied university.
  •   Avoid headings like: “ To whom so ever it may concern”
  • If the person knows little about you, avoid specified description about your nature. Faking of things may be dangerous
  • Keep a vigil eye to notice whether the information in LOR and your SOP matches. If not do the required modification to strike off the contradicting lines creating a symphony
  • LORs should be different formats giving variety of information about you. These letters are more like assurance to your SOP, so they should be moulded accordingly to justify your SOP.
  • Remember, these letters may give you an added advantage to earn part-time jobs within the campus. Sometimes, these may do wonder in getting you the deserving scholarship. So make sure they are framed properly and in an organized manner.
  • Be ready with the proofs to justify the authenticity and reliability of these LORs. So avoid exaggerating something.
  • Avoid using the sentences for funds like financial aids / monetary aids/ Scholarships etc.



How to write Statement of Purpose

Handwriting-007 After taking GRE and TOEFL so many students are in dilemma that how to write SOP, and LOR, Resume etc. Today I will discuss about how to write SOP. Which points to write in SOP and which things you should not.   When it comes to writing the statement of purpose, the most important thing that should be in there is “how you stand out from the crowd”.Writing a few quotes and life stories like, “How fascinated I was with computers at an early age” or the more common, “seeing a robot at the science fair, I decided robotics was my field” will not help you STAND OUT.With a well-crafted Statement of Purpose you can persuade an admissions committee to accept you. To write SOP first of all review some SOP of seniors or other people’s. It will be nice if you look at your major’s SOP. For Example if you are applying to computer science department then read SOP which are from cs major. So after reading some SOP’s you will have basic idea that which information and what to write in SOP. If you are thinking to copy SOP of you senior or other student then throw that idea in dustbin !!! Grad admission committee review hundreds of SOPs every year and chances are high that an imitative SOP will make a negative impact. Now some points which you should take care when you write SOP Continue reading How to write Statement of Purpose